Saturday, March 03, 2012

Full Bookshelf

I love reading. I always have. I like organizing books on my bookshelf, and I like treating them well. I won't bring a book somewhere if I think it's going to get damaged. If it's a soft cover, I won't open it entirely while reading, for fear of creasing the spine. When I was in elementary school, the library called my mom to say that I damaged a book I returned, and she actually went to the school to fight with the librarian, because it just wasn't possible. I'm a freak. A couple of nights ago, I was a tiny bit mad when I left Odie and my book alone in my bedroom for just a minute and returned to find a couple of chunks missing from my book cover. I should have known better. My dog loves paper as much as I love reading, although she prefers a kleenex over a book any day. 

Wasn't me!

I can't remember very many times in my life when I haven't had a book on the go. I've worked in two bookstores, and the employee discounts made paydays dangerous. I'm mostly into fiction (girly novels and sci-fi), but I can't resist a good biography or true story. We have two bookshelves in our living room that are taller than me, and almost totally filled. For awhile now, I've been absolutely refusing to buy an e-reader. Why would I? There's nothing better than having a real book in your hands, is there? 

Yeah. There is. I caved and bought a kobo last night, and it's pretty fantastic. Please don't tell my bookshelf I'm cheating on it! 

Ooooh Ahhhh

I borrowed my mom's kobo "just to try it out", and I got hooked. I took it with me to a restaurant on my lunch break, and I READ WHILE I ATE! Amazing. I have well over 30 books in my actual bookshelf that I still haven't read (give me a break! some of them are classics and are huge), but now that I own a kobo, my interest is in ebooks. I got the kobo touch instead of the vox because I'm not into the backlit screen thing. I'm the proud owner of the white one with a silver back, by the way. Oh, and I bought some cute accessories too. 

For night reading!

Maybe the accessories are part of the appeal. I remember my friend Meghan and I once had the idea that we were going to start playing tennis (we didn't), and were super excited about having to buy tennis outfits. I also convinced myself that I would love going to school, if only I had an english style leather satchel for my books. As I told Mike today, I wouldn't do well in a commune, or a post apocalyptic world (yes, these are subjects that come up a lot). It's not that I'm totally lost without stuff, but I enjoy shopping and having new things around. Before I bought my kobo, I was reading Robin Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. Now that I have a kobo, I'm reading a book for teenagers called Divergent, by who knows. I'm not going to take that as a sign of anything. Happy reading!

My case. Only $5!

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