Monday, August 06, 2012

Out With The Old, In With The New

I could probably just start another blog all about litter boxes. Good grief. If you've been following my blog since the beginning, you know that I HATE litter boxes. In the last few years, we've been through more than a few boxes. We've also tried our fair share of types of litter: clay, s'wheat scoop, newspaper pellets, pine pellets, you name it. 

Our most recent acquisition was a litter mate automatic self-cleaning box. When we first brought it home, life was good. That little robot really knew it's stuff, and did its job well. Well, for the past month it's been slowly neglecting its duties. For the past week, it's been going back and forth with the idea of retiring altogether. I usually don't like to touch the littler box at all, but it seemed like every day I was scooping a box that was supposed to scoop itself. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DRIVE AND LOYALTY OF OUR ROBOT?! 

This time technology doesn't win. Buh-bye, robot. Your time with us is finitoIn all honesty, even though it's labelled as suitable for multi-cat households, I think it would do better with a single cat, which is why it will get a second chance at my mom's house.

So, out with the old, and in with the new. Seeing how we were scopping the box everyday anyway, we decided to kick it old school and revert back to the good ol' days of a regular box with no robot required. In the past, we've usually had a covered box, but this time around we decided to be crazy and go with a regular pan, since we plan on scooping daily. 

Introducing our new litter box (isn't this blog exciting?), the BecoTray.

It's "the eco-friendly litter tray". From the label:

"becotrays are made from the natural plant fibres found in bamboo and rice husks. this makes them both sustainable to produce and biodegradable when finished with. so while they will last for years in the home, they are also completely eco-friendly. combine your becotray with a becoscoop, and keep your floor clean as well as the environment."

Anywho, the litter box has been setup and has been christened by Loki. While taking photos of it, he came to check it out. I put down the camera and filled it up when I realized that he actually needed to use it. It's a hit! Now I just need to find out what a becoscoop is.

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