My love of animals started when I was a little girl. I think my first ever pet was probably a black gerbil named Teddy. When someone's pet passes away, they might not want to get another pet for awhile because they feel they could never replace the one they lost. Not me. I probably had about 20 gerbils after that little guy... and they were all named Teddy, and I'm pretty sure they were all black too. Whenever they died, I would bury them under my huge playground in the backyard--Teddy Cemetery.
The other day, me and Mike were having a debate about whether Playmobil or Lego is a better toy for kids. Okay, maybe the "for kids" part isn't entirely honest. While this conversation was taking place at my parent's house, I was googling like mad and sorting my Playmobil into their proper sets. They are now all safe and sound in zip lock bags, and labelled with their set numbers. NERD. Anyway, growing up, my mom had a preschool and I had way more Lego than Playmobil. The only thing I did with the Lego was make mazes for my gerbils. As far as I'm concerned, that settles the debate.
Besides gerbils, in my pet career, I've "owned": hamsters, rats, turtles, hermit crabs, 4 dogs, 4 cats, freshwater and saltwater creatures, a rabbit, and a cockatiel. The craziest animal I've welcomed into my home is probably "Snappy", the pistol shrimp. For those who aren't familiar with this little firecracker of a crustacean, it's insane. Bad ass shrimp. I also had an orange spotted goby, which was Snappy's symbiotic buddy. Ocean creatures blow my mind.
As of right now, we share our home with two cats (Lance & Loki), and our dog (Odessa).
I LOVE MY DOG! Don't get me wrong, the cats are great. I'm just more of a dog person. I'm incredibly allergic to most animals (birds and reptiles being the pet exceptions). That's one of the reasons we chose a chihuahua--I'm even more allergic to dogs. Before we got Odie, when I would visit with other people's dogs, I would give them the allergy test. My friend Lauren loves telling this story. If the dog was a breed that I would consider owning (pretty much all of them), I would rub my face on them and try to get them to lick me. HAHA! Just typing that is making me see how incredibly weird that is. It usually didn't go very well. I think the worst was a rottweiler/pit bull cross I was petsitting. Long story short: my friend Heather had a cheewa at the time, and he passed the allergy test. I'm not sure if they're actually considered a hypoallergenic breed, or if it's just because there's less dog. Doesn't matter. Odie sleeps on my bed, and I don't break out in hives and want to rip my eyes out.
Why do I even have pets if I'm so allergic? I can't help myself. I can't imagine a pet-less life, even if it would mean I wouldn't have asthma. I remember when I was interviewing for a position at the wildlife park in town, and they asked me if I had any allergies. I lied and told them I was allergic to dust. I worked there for over three years, and I just used an inhaler and prescription nose spray.
I don't eat animals, and I haven't for quite a few years. Partly because of a health issue, partly because I don't need to. Some people really don't do well on a meat free diet, but i've never felt better. Confession: I recently went to Disneyland and for the first time in who knows how long (I'm guessing more than five years), I went crazy and willingly ate meat. Crab cakes and a smoked turkey leg to be exact. That turkey leg was AMAZING. I felt like I couldn't do it when I grabbed it and felt the bone, but once I dug in, the smoky goodness immediately erased my trepidation. There's a reason this shirt exists. Is there a name for people who eat no meat, except for turkey legs when visiting Disneyland only? No?
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